Kinu Icon

Individual Movie and TV Series Recommendations

Movies and TV Series You Should Watch

Kinu ['ki:nu] is a web app
designed for mobile devices that recommends you
movies and tv series of people with same taste like you.

You will rate movies and tv series to determine your likes.
On this basis the app matches users with similar taste
and shows you their favorite movies and tv series
you haven't seen.

How To

Rate About 10 Movies

First of all we get to know your individual movie and tv series preferences.
So we are able to find users with similar taste as yours.

In order to do so rate a bunch of random movies and tv series.

Unknown movies or tv series can be skipped.

Kinu App Rate View

Get Details

Unsure about a specific movie or tv series? Tap on the poster.

We provide basic informations like trailer, genres, actors and directors.

Additionally you can add a movie to your watchlist to see it later.
Alternatively you can choose to don't show this movie in your recommendations.

Kinu App Movie Details View

Your Movie and TV Series Recommendations

Finished your ratings?

Take a look at Kinu and watch your individual movie and tv series recommendations.
Tap on the poster for details.


Then continue rating.

Let's Try
Kinu App Movie Recommendations View

Try It

Like or Dislike some movies or tv series and press the Refresh-Button to get your recommendations.

Use the web app to save your ratings.



Founder and Developer of Kinu App

Hey, I'm Alex,
a passionate film lover and an independent developer.

I think that friends and like minded people
can recommend the best movies and tv series to you.
So I created Kinu,
a non-commercial web app that recommends you movies and tv series
you haven't watched yet of people with same taste in movies.

Feel free to send any comments or feedback to me.

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